White Algiers
White Algiers: بيك وبيا، تبقى حومتنا نقية
Fruit of the collaboration between the Wilaya of Algiers and the Sustainable Economy Forum, the initiative “White Algiers: بيك وبيا، تبقى حومتنا نقية” will bring together all the volunteers who wish to clean and beautify their neighborhood throughout the perimeter of the wilaya of Algiers.
Thanks to the logistical efforts of the wilaya, and with the support of SEF member companies, all algiers inhabitants wishing to participate in the cleaning of their neighborhood will have all the facilities for their volunteering action.
All the details in the next posts.
If you are volunteer please fill this form

“White Algiers: بيك وبيا، تبقى حومتنا نقية”
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